A Matter of Ethics

It can sometimes feel like a big leap of faith to do business with someone you only know virtually. I understand that, and while I can tell you that I’m a fine, upstanding human being, I also know that you might need more than just my word on that.
As a member in good standing of the AssistU community, I have agreed to abide by the Standards of Excellence contained in the AssistU Pledge of Ethics, which I happily share with you here.
Pledge of Ethics
As a professional Virtual Assistant, I acknowledge and respect my ethical responsibilities to clients, colleagues, and myself. I agree to conduct myself responsibly with the highest degree of integrity and accountability. I will do no purposeful harm to myself, to those I partner with, or to the Virtual Assistance profession.
Standards Of Excellence
- My business is run in accord with all local, state, and federal laws.
- I am sensitive to cultural values and beliefs and celebrate diversity… accepting that the opinions and values of others are as valid as my own.
- I exemplify and exercise integrity, honesty, and due diligence while carrying out obligations to my self, my community, and my clients.
- I recognize my limitations and only provide services and/or use technologies based on my current level of competence. I will only offer professional information or advice that I am competent to assess. I will never knowingly give confidential or misleading information, and will act quickly to correct erroneous communications for which I am responsible.
- My client’s best interests are most important to me. Before entering any client relationships I must be reasonably certain that I have the necessary competencies and resources for giving the kind of support that is needed or that may develop later, and that appropriate additional referral resources are available to me if I should need them to serve my client.
- At the beginning of any client relationship, I communicate clearly the terms of our working agreement and clarify the expectations of both parties.
- I do not use confidential information gained as a result of professional activities for personal benefit, and do not represent conflicting or competing interests, real or perceived, without written consent of those involved, given after a full disclosure of the facts.
- I inform clients of conditions that may limit my effectiveness.
- I only guarantee results that are within my power to deliver.
- I am accountable for the work I do, admit mistakes and correct them promptly.
- I keep sufficient records of my work, and client relationships in general. The physical records are my property. The information in the records is the property of the client. I protect the confidentiality and proprietary information of all clients and will not release information contained in their records without the consent of the client, or by court order. Confidentiality will be maintained with regard to the storage (physical and electronic) and disposal of records. All records must be made available to the client at the client’s request.
- I accept full responsibility for work that I perform. If I run a multi-VA firm, I assume all responsibility for the work performed by my subcontractors, and for any issues that arise between my clients and the subcontractors, whether direct or indirect.
- I do not misuse the authority entrusted to me by clients.
- I do not take advantage of the lack of knowledge or inexperience on the part of others.
- I serve as an effective representative of my clients when called upon to do so and protect the interests of my clients at all times.
- I keep my personal and professional knowledge up-to-date and continue my education to insure that proper expertise is available when needed. I never misrepresent myself, my abilities, my experience, or my certification to anyone.
- I freely share my knowledge, skills and professional practices with other professional Virtual Assistants in order to forward community, and to build professional comprehension and mastery.
- I work to strengthen public understanding and acceptance of the Virtual Assistance industry.
- I shall not intentionally damage the professional reputation or practice of another Virtual Assistant, anyone in my professional community, or those with whom I do business.
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