Thanks for your interest in working with me...

I appreciate your clicking through to schedule an initial “getting to know you” call with me.
Unfortunately, I do not have any openings for a new client in my practice and as it stands right now, I don’t foresee anyone leaving me in the near future. If you’d like to be added to my waiting list, please click the link to email me: And if you’re willing to share, I’d love to know how you found out about me.
If waiting for me won’t work for you, I’d like to recommend that perhaps your next step might be to submit a request through the AssistU Registry.
I believe the very best place to begin to find a terrific VA is through AssistU, which is the premier training program in the industry and is where I got my training and certifications. Here’s a link to find out more about AssistU and its VAs: Work With A VA Click the “Find Your Sidekick” button at the bottom of the page to learn about their philosophy and process. The Registry is where you’ll go to connect with VAs who most closely fit what you believe you need. You’ll find more specific info about how the Registry works by clicking “Find A VA” at the top of the page and going to the Registry details.
If you choose to use the do-it-yourself Registry, I highly recommend that you take your time when completing the form and really focus on exactly what you want/need in your VA. And please feel free to note that I sent you, in the spot that asks how you found out about AU. To be clear, you should know that I do not get any sort of compensation or kickback from people I refer to the Registry – I simply believe that my colleagues there are the best in the business.
After you’ve reviewed the AU info, if there are questions I can answer for you about how it all works, I’d be happy to do so – just drop me an email at the address above.
Thanks again…